Sunday 10 June 2012

Wednesday 2 May 2012


For the End of Year Show, I'll need to design a portfolio site and make it live, design some business cards and a poster/flyer for the show itself.

Saturday 28 April 2012

Final video

My final Showreel.
I'm very pleased with this video, a few weeks back i had a conversation with Jason (the client) and we agreed that an arty, slightly abstract piece like this would be a great way of promoting the fda course, he was very keen. And so i think despite the absence of many group shots or group-feeling, i think it's successful and achieves exactly what i set out to achieve. (It's also worth noting that the documentary video will hopefully balance this out)

Friday 27 April 2012


John asked me for my save file of the work i had done on the showreel so far. This really isn't a legitimate problem, he has every right to have a go at my working file and chop and change it, but i care quite a lot about any possible uniqueness i may achieve in my videos, and so would have much preferred it if he had just started his own, i suppose it annoys me because he could be credited for work that's mine, but it's not that big of a deal, just a peeve.

That said, it's worth having another video about incas mine's perceived as too off topic