Tuesday 11 January 2011

 I made my leaflet using Illustrator, using elements i had already designed, and elements i found and edited specifically for the leaflet, such as the frame used on the front cover (left) which i had to cut out of its original image, and the background (right) which i used photoshop to change the colours and applied a verticle grain filter, giving it it's old and worn look.

I made my booklet, using InDesign. I think my booklet work is the worst part of my project, as it suffered heavily from lack of experiance using the program. I more or less had to learn all in one go and i don't think i handled it very well.

As an example, when you load an image into InDesign, it does not behave like it would in Photoshop or even Microsoft Word, the image and the digital frame containing it and two independant things and must be handled independently. The screenshot on the left shows the 'lock content to frame' button which i was stuck looking for for a while, but stuck not knowing which button to press for even longer. It was largley little problems of this type that held me back.

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