Tuesday 10 May 2011

NEW UNIT - Time Based Media

Interview -
For my interview i am going to interview a friend of mine called 'Big Rob', he lives in Hailsham and has recently moved down from Penbrooke Dock in Wales. I think he will make a good interviewee because he is quite relaxed but confident, and he already knows me as a friend. His story should be quite effective but i am worried that the time restriction of 1 minute will hinder me a lot. I imagine i'll end up with too much footage, maybe even up to about 10 minutes so i will have to chop a lot and it may be hard to keep the finished product flowing considering that.

I've drafted some questions out with a structure for the interview in mind, i have also booked the gear required (a camera-stand and a microphone) and a meeting with Big Rob for the 12th so hopefully, all will go well.

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