Sunday 2 October 2011

Animation Examples

Here are some videos i found while researching abstract animation. The first makes more out of it's soundtrack, the animation is choreographed to the music, making it a visualization of the track. The second is more abstract and less stylish. Both make use of 3d, a part of After Effects i would like to use however i may not have enough time to learn how to use it for this project.

I prefer this animation, the varying depth of field and filters/gradients used in the work are hugely effective. This animation demonstrates a brilliant use of rhythm,which is key in this style of animating.

This animation is much more abstract, it delivers a less immersive experience to the first, no filters or gradients have been used and the block colours make it look quite simple and ugly. However the movement and flow are very nice. This animation also has a brilliant sense of progression. As the shapes conceive new shapes and the camera keeps panning along a track of flourishing shapes it makes the visuals feel like they going somewhere.

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