Monday 5 December 2011

App Bits

having never designed an app of any kind before, i was at a complete loss for most of the projet. when i finally got down to it i wanted to be at least reasonably consistent, so i added in these touches:

Hand finger pointy thingy icon. indicates where screen is being touched in demo vid, not as much of an afterthought as a completely essential element...

Sound control demo, near the beginning of the video i turned this toggled this control off an on to indicate the audio coukd be muted if preferred.

When exiting the app and returning to the iphone menu, i thought about how that looked on an atual iphone and decided i should simulate it.

The main problem with this simulation though, was that because adjustment layers (for some reason) don't apply opacity change to layers they control, i didn't fade it out as well as shrink it, which would have looked better...

 I added transitions between screens within the app, i did this just by using a half visible layer of 'Foggy Lights' and used positioning to move it across the screen. Because it is transparent and does not completely cover the change overs, the transitions themselves are not seamless, but because of the speed, you dont really notice, and i thought the trans layers were too bold with full opacity .

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