Saturday 14 January 2012

YCN Chosen Brief - Industry Trust

The Trust’s upbeat, pro-copyright (rather than anti-piracy) tack has been proven to have a significant positive impact on consumers’ attitudes to piracy: recent campaigns have doubled the public’s propensity to support official content. The question is – where next? The creative challenge is to find a compelling new way to inspire the British public to respect copyright and support official film, TV and video; to celebrate the originality of audiovisual works and the creative process.
We’re on the look-out for inspiring and powerful creative ideas across whatever platform – stories, short films, plays, installations, posters, websites, a series of debates, a TV show, online games - that tell a story that you feel is true and convincing, that speaks in your language and not the cold language of lA lawyers and content protection teams. Ideas that will help ensure you and your peers have a vibrant and successful role to play in this most ingenious and creative of industries, just as your peers did before you and before the days of digital piracy.

Be thought-provoking, positive, inspirational and original. They should encourage the audience to re-appraise the value of creative works and/or why it’s important to respect copyright.

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