Tuesday 18 October 2011


I used an effect called 'CC Sphere' to create my nice shiny spheres out of solid layers, a circular solid layer and a mask for shading, and some extra shading across the bottom. I draw viewers attention to the very middle ball by centralising it and making it brighter (STAGING anim. principle). This scene was more or less the first thing i made, and i spent ages on it because i underestimated how hard it would be to have all of these shapes moving around in different directions and making it look realistic 9in terms of perspective, lots of shrinking and expanding etc. After showing this video to kate she said the attention is successfully drawn to the middle ball but the scene afterwards does not seem to directly follow on from this one, so i created a narrative and didn't follow through with it. I'll give some attention to this.

SQAUSH AND STRETCH IN SLOW MOTION...is hard to achieve convincingly. This scene cuts in twice in the animation, after showing this to Andrew he advised me that i should probably cut it in sooner and more frequently, perhaps even add another angle, generally bring more out of it. Also i still have work to do on the squash and stretch when the two balls meet as it stil looks a bit...patchy.

At the end of the animation i slowly fade to black, however very near the end of the fade out i gently fade out early and then fade back in again, it'\s very dark i think gives a nice effect almost ,like a wink at the end. Another criticism i received was that the wink looked too much like an accident and that i had not intended it, and i was advised to use the effect earlier on in the animation so that it would be recognised as a motif instead of a glitch. This is also something i will work on.

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