Friday 21 October 2011

MAKE 2 (post crit)

In the class crit i received some very useful advice. After talking about how the cuts between each scene were quite harsh as it just jumped from one to another, not really matching the slow graceful pace i was trying to achieve, i as told about 'adjustment layers', with these i can lay an effect, like a blur, over a whole set of layers and it will apply to all of them equally, this really saved me, i used them to make the transitions much nicer and even ended up using the blur tool to bring things in and out of focus to enhance the perspective.

I took Andrews advice out expanding on the collision scene, creating another cut earlier than the other two from a different angle (again using blur to give a feeling of perspective).

Dave, a classmate, showed me an effect called 'Lens Flare' which i saw working nicely with the visuals of my video, i worked it into the collision cuts, in my opinion it looks great and is very effective with bringing the aesthetic across.

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