Wednesday 2 November 2011

Desperados - Existing look & feel

First i looked at their site. Very badly made, looks patchy, repetitive, annoying soundtrack, layers and images are too obviously superimposed. Despite all that, the aesthetic was expressed quite fully and vividly. I quite like the back alley image (background).

I think the start page before the main site was the most visually successful, mainly because of the colours and patterns. It's much simpler. While it does have connotations of partying in a lively and almost tropical environment, it doesn't really bring attempt to carry anything else across, which the site very much does.

Watched an ad on YouTube, hot, classic feel, guy walks into bar, makes out with beautiful woman, drinks Desperados, she is sweating, the bottle is sweating, everyone's sweating. All very expected, unimaginative, poor, meaningless. It almost seems more like a perfume advert. The look and feel created could be worse, however. 

I actually watched another ad as well but it was so poor and completely lacking of any decent look and feel or imagination at all that i couldn't bring myself to screen cap it and put it up. 

In conclusion: This company has missed an opportunity to tune in the inherent aesthetic of the type of design they have gone for (cowboy, outlaw, dessert, thing) with terrible adverts and a terrible website. It's a actually a very tasty drink. I think i'm gonna take this drink forward, and ignore most of the content in their media.

Time to brainstorm...

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