Wednesday 15 February 2012

Ok so...

It's not good enough. The technical side isn't bad but as a whole idea it just seems too corny. More elaboration in sketchbook.

BOTTOM LINE: Too corny, turning the whole thing into a joke, cutting it halfway through, edited soundtrack so it sounds like it just 'crackles out' and a new tune starts (Mr Scruff song 'Shrimp' quite like elevator music, i edited it to make it sound a bit duller) the nes soundtrack can be listened to here:
Betraying shrimp

When the music changes, a badly drawn robot will appear, the whole visual side will be duller and more flickery, the robot will say that because of illegal downloading, the 'nice things' shown prior are unavailable, hopefully the whole thing will be a little bit 'sorry folks, the shows been cancelled'...

Here is the robot:

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